Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement to the post of Twenty (20) General Mazdoor (Computer Knowing) on contractual basis on daily wage of Rs.247/- per day in the Digitisation Cell of the Patna High Court for a period of Five years or till the completion of Digitisation Project whichever is earlier. The Job profile for the related candidates shall include carrying bundles of files from one building to another and making relevant entries in the software.
Name of The Post:- General Mazdoor (Computer Knowing)
No. of Posts:- 20
Minimum qualification:- (i) The candidates must possess the minimum qualification of Intermediate Passed in any faculty or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University, and
(ii) The Candidates shall possess a diploma/certificate of at least a 6 months' course in Computer Application from an Institution recognized by the Government.
Salary:- Rs.247/- per day
Age Limit:- Not below 18 years and above 40 years of age.
Application Fee :- An amount of Rs 500 (five hundred only) has to be paid online while filling the application.
How to Apply:- Candidates must apply online from 18/04/2019 to 08/05/2019 till 23:59 hours. For Applying Online, visit Patna High Court Website (http://patnahighcourt.gov.in)
The candidates are advised to write the declaration mentioned below in their own handwriting in Black ink on a white sheet of paper, get it scanned for the purpose of uploading the same while filling up the form online " I hereby declare that the facts and details given by me in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any of the particulars or information above being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature shall be liable to be rejected".
Mode of Selection:- There shall be two tier procedure of selection comprising Online written Test followed by interview. Final merit list shall be prepared on the basis of performance in Online (written) Test and Interview taken together. The Court reserves the right to make any amendment in above selection pattern whenever it thinks proper.
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